We finally decided to start food for Ellie February 17 (after 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding...the pediatrician didn't give me a choice). Here's how well this didn't go!

After a few days, Elliana decided it was time to try to feed herself. She got the spoon to her mouth at least!

Saturday night we had friends over for dinner. Their little boy, Miles, was born 8 days after Elliana. We always joke that they are boyfriend and girlfriend. Saturday night was their date. The moms think things are going quite well!

Final update for the day. Ellie decided to sit up today...all by herself! It only lasted about 30 seconds, but it's a start. She kept steadying herself every time she started to loose her balance. My little girl is growing up. (Notice mommy in the background nervously waiting to catch her if she falls!)