So it's been 2 weeks since the last update...and for good reason. When I came downstairs 2 weeks ago I had the "blue screen of death" on my computer. My hard drive was dead! After a trip to the clean room in Texas and $979, they were able to recover all my pictures off the drive...whew!
Since then...Elliana's first Easter.

She looked so beautiful in her dress!
She had really improved on her sitting and rolling skills. She has figured out how to "barrel roll" and can pretty much get anywhere she wants to go. She is on the move! She is trying really hard to crawl...those legs just don't want to get under her all the way. Last Friday (April 9th) she said..."mama"!! I don't think she was really saying it referring to me, but she said it so mama is happy!
Ellie turned 8 months old this week. That is hard to believe. Where did my little baby go? She is turning into a big girl way too fast.

Ellie has been a ham for the camera for a while now, but it is getting crazy. I swear, she sees a camera and has to smile!

Her new favorite toy this week (besides the laundry basket, thanks grandma) is her purse from Uncle Geoff. She even has a bracelet, lipstick, a mirror, keys, and a dollar bill inside!

That's about it for now! More updates as they come.