Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field, since the payment is pure love.

-Mildred B. Vermont-

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Name the Famous Felon

Her manifesto will be about bubbles, Mickey Mouse, and Julius.

Running in the Sprinkler

Today we let Elliana play in the sprinkler for the first time. She loved it! We could hardly get her to stop playing to eat dinner.

Pool Party

Now that it is finally warm out, Elliana is loving the swimming pool! We have had a few pool parties with our neighbors.
Elliana and her friend Avery love playing in the pool together.
Our little bathing beauty loves to splash.We finally got a little pool at our house. And Elliana loves it!

Wild Woman!

Post-nap wild woman hair!

Date with Paps

Paps and Elliana love their dates. And they love to share iced tea on their lunch dates!

Show Week!

This was Show Week at the Little Gym, where Elliana has been taking classes for a year now. She was so excited for her show and even more excited that daddy and Paps got to come!
One of Elliana's favorite parts of class is the opening circle. The kids get to use the bells while the parents sing the welcome song. She loves to shake the bells!
During class, the kids get to do bubbles to work on some fine motor skills. With Elliana's love of bubbles, she adores this part of class.
Ellie loves at the end of class when she gets her stamps. She knows when it's time to sit on the window wall it means she is going to get her reward for doing a good job in class.
At the end of the show this week, all of the kids got their awards. Each child was called up one at a time to get their medal. After all the kids had their medals, we got a class picture. Such a good looking group!
Ben, Ellie's friend from class, wasn't so sure about having his picture taken with her. It could be that she randomly hugs and kisses him.

Sick Baby

Poor Elliana had a bad virus last weekend. She ended up in the ER at Cincinnati Children's with a fever of 104.3 degrees. She was miserable. Thankfully they said she just had a virus, and a day later she was feeling much better.
Nothing helps a sick girl feel better than cuddling on the couch with daddy for a nap (with a little Mickey Mouse Clubhouse).We are so glad our girl is feeling better!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Play Ball!

I don't see a future playing for the Reds, but she sure is cute playing baseball!

Playing at the Park

Finally we had a day nice enough to go to the park! The weather in Cincinnati has been so crazy this spring. It's been oddly cold and monsoon season hit. We have had only a few days nice enough to go outside. But today that changed. Elliana loved going to the park!
One of Elliana - and Julius'- favorite things is to swing.
Captain Elliana and First Mate Julius liked driving the boat.
Going down the slide like a big girl for the first time was definitely the highlight of the day!

Police Girl

Last weekend daddy took Elliana to the mall where they had a safety fair with many local police departments. Ellie loved climbing in the police car - after all they have "putes" in the car!
She also had fun "riding" on an ATV.
Even Julius was made an honorary police officer - Deputy Julius!

Too Cool

She's too cool - and she knows it!

That's My Girl!!

Elliana is a girl after mommy's own heart. She loves her "cot-ee". She really never gets more than a tiny sip, but she sure loves it!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


One of Elliana's favorite activities is to play on the computer, or as she calls it, the "pute". Here she even had a cup of coffee while she worked (ok so the cup was empty, but it still looked cute).

Happy Easter!

We had an amazing Easter this year. Of course, the Easter Bunny visited the Tozzi house and brought Elliana lots of goodies!
The day started off a little rough with church. Unfortunately, Elliana wasn't feeling very good (allergy season in Ohio has hit). Sitting still and cooperating just weren't in the books!
After our attempt at church, we headed to Grandma and Grandpa's house for Easter dinner. Elliana discovered the joy of Jello jigglers!
Given the monsoon that has hit our area recently, an Easter egg hunt outside was out of the question. But Grandma's living room proved to be a suitable place to hunt eggs! None of us expected that at 20 months Ellie would get the concept of finding eggs and putting them in the basket. Always amazing us and exceeding our expectations, Elliana figured it out right away! She thought it was so much fun.
Elliana also discovered the joy of what is inside the Easter eggs. M&Ms! Notice the chipmunk cheeks!
Happy Easter from our entire family!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Me and My Shadow

Feeding Herself

Feeding herself yogurt...
The aftermath...

A Family of Red's Fans

Stop and Smell the Flowers

Too Cool!

Her future's so bright, she's gotta wear shade!

Little Cleaning Lady

Elliana has turned into quite the little cleaning lady. She loves to Swiffer the floor for mommy. And she has even taught Julius to Swiffer! My floors have never been so clean.

Spring is in the Air!

Despite the near monsoon we have experienced in Ohio this spring, we have had a few nice days that allowed us to get outside and play. Elliana has been enjoying some of her favorite outdoor activities. Like...
And despite daddy's best weed killing efforts, pointing out the one that was able to sneek in! She pointed to the dandelion and said, "Uh oh".
Hopefully there will be more nice spring days for us to play!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Easter Pictures

This past week we had Elliana's Easter pictures taken. Of course she did amazing as usual. And of course mommy spent way too much money again!
A little personality/attitude in this shot.
Just gorgeous. Love the red curls!
And of course we had to have Julius in a few shots. She loves her "Ju-Ju".
Smelling the flowers