So it's been over a month since I have done an update. Things have been crazy here! Elliana sure has been keeping us busy and on our toes.
It's hard to believe, but Ellie will be a year old in just 4 days. This year has flown by. It is so amazing to watch our little girl grow from a tiny baby into the wonderful, playful little girl she is now.
Ellie has been walking with help for a little while now. She has also been cruising around all of the furniture. Today she took her first step! She was at the Little Gym for her class, and she took a step toward her instructor (she is a teacher's pet and adores Miss Cassie). She did it again during class then again at home later. She is going to be running around before we know it!
Elliana is also talking like crazy. She always has something to say. If only we understood a fraction of it! She is starting to repeat things (today she said "help" when I asked her to help put away her highchair after lunch). I have a feeling soon we won't be able to shut her up! We all love hearing her talk.
Today we did Ellie's 1 year pictures. They turned out so amazing as usual. She had a small cake to smash and she loved it! She was hesitant at first, but once she got into it she realized how much fun it is.
Saturday is her birthday and of course the big lady bug party! Can't wait to share pictures from that great event!
I will leave you all with some pictures to catch everyone up from the last month or so!
Ellie's first parade - 4th of July. Despite the face, she actually loved it!

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